I need to get some information form the cisco device. It is cisco-ios-xe device

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I have a CISCO device. The device is configured with the WebUI. Which have many details? But I am not able to get these following details from there.

  1. CPU Load
  2. Temperature
  3. Device details.
  4. Memory use
  5. Alarms

I have tried many times to get those above define values. But not able to get any things, Please help.


There are 1 answers

NocturnalEngineer On BEST ANSWER

Depending on the model & software version, the web UI can vary. You'll have better luck obtaining those details utilising CLI instead.

Whilst the CLI is fairly consistent between models/software versions, some commands might not be available. Consulting the Cisco documentation for your specific hardware & software revisions should help.

CPU Load

show processes cpu history
Will show you the CPU usage over 60 seconds, 1 hour and 72 hours.

show processes cpu
Will show you the running processes with the CPU utilisation over 5 seconds, 1 minute and 5 minutes.


show environment all
show environment temperature
Outputs all the environmental conditions including power & temperature. You'll find the temperatures within the temperature section .

Device details.

show version
Displays the core information about your device & software. This includes the hardware details, IOS & ROM software versions, interfaces & memory, and system uptime/previous reload reason.

show inventory
Will output details about any additional hardware installed into your device, such as SFP, their type & serial numbers.

Memory use

show processes memory
Whilst show version shows you the total memory installed into your device, show processes memory shows you how it's being utilised, by which process, and how much is remaining.

show flash: / show bootflash
Will show you the files being stored into the flash memory, their sizes & how much space is left.


show alarms / show facility-alarm status
If your equipment has an alarm indicator, the above commands will show advise you what's alarmed & the reasoning.