I am trying to display the book order data showing the year of the order in the first column, the month in the second. Plus, display totals by month and by year and grand totals. Also, display messages "Yearly Total" and "Grand Total" instead of the nulls. The result is sorted by the year and month.
I keep receiving an error (Unknown column 'order_date' in 'field list') can anyone help me?
select coalesce(year(order_date), 'Grand Total') as Year
, case when year(order_date) is null then ' ' else coalesce(month(order_date), 'Year Total') end as
, AmntDue
, NumberOfBooksPurch
from (
select year(order_date) as Year
, month(order_date) as Month
, sum(quantity * order_price) as AmntDue
, count(order_id) as NumberOfBooksPurch
from a_bkorders.order_headers
join a_bkorders.order_details using (order_id)
group by year(order_date), month(order_date), order_id with rollup
) tbl;
is a value in the original table, but it's not being returned by the subquery so you can't reference it in the outer query. Use the aliases that the subquery returns: