here is my code in BLE Helper that i am calling into my settings Screen
write(data, serviceId, characteristicId) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
.then(() => {
console.log("writing data --->: ", data);
// data = this.addProtocol(data);
// console.log("writing data toString: ", data.toString());
BleManager.writeWithoutResponse(this.peripheralId, serviceId, characteristicId, data, data.length)
.then(() => {
// console.log('--stringToByte--------------------', this.stringToByte(data))
console.log('Write success in helper: ', data.toString());
.catch((error) => {
console.log('Write failed: ', error);
.catch((error) => {
console.log('Write failed: ', error);
Here is my code where in my settings screen where i am calling function
const writecharacteristics = async (serviceUUID1, characteristicUUID1) => {
// Assuming you have minimum1 and maximum1 defined as follows
// const minimum1 = 16.2;
// const maximum1 = 42.9;
setTimeout(() => {
}, 2000);
// Convert minimum1 and maximum1 to their respective integer values
// const minimum1Integer = Math.round(minimum1 * 10);
// console.log(minimum1Integer);
// const maximum1Integer = Math.round(maximum1 * 10);
// Convert the integer values to hexadecimal strings
const minimum1Hex = minimum1.toString(16);
const maximum1Hex = maximum1.toString(16);
// console.log(minimum1Hex);
// Combine the two hexadecimal strings
const editedData = minimum1Hex + maximum1Hex;
// Add 36 at the beginning and 35 at the end
const finalData = '24' + editedData + '23';
// console.log('editedData-------------->', finalData);
// Convert the hexadecimal string to bytes
const editedDataBytes = [];
for (let i = 0; i < finalData.length; i += 2) {
const byteValue = parseInt(finalData.substr(i, 2), 16);
console.log('editedDataBytes for Auto height-------------->', editedDataBytes);
await BluetoothManager.write(editedDataBytes, serviceUUID1, characteristicUUID1)
.then((written) => {
// console.log('written ------------------->', written);
.catch((error) => {
console.log('Error writing data:', error);
Here are the logs
this is the output of my functions which includes the data that i am writing and also the Logs or Output for the functions
LOG editedDataBytes for Auto height--------------> [36, 22, 44, 35]
LOG < ------- This is what i am writing------>
LOG < ------- this.peripheralId------> 9a **************
LOG < ------- serviceId------> c ****************
LOG < ------- characteristicId------> c1a ***************
LOG < ------- data------> [36, 22, 44, 35]
LOG < ------- data.length, ------> 4
LOG < ------- This is what i am writing------>
LOG < ------- This is what i am writing------>
LOG Write success in helper: 36, 22, 44, 35
I tried setting the mtu size to on another app but did not worked and it this app the code is small enough to be written also when i see logs in Hercules in gives nothing while writing I have verified all the possibilities that can be the cause of this problem but , my scan, connect, read, notify function is working fine in IOS just the write function where I am facing the problem also the same function is working perfect in android