This is a portion of the code for the application below. Blitz3D is stating that the CreateWindow, CreatePanel, and SetPanelImage functions do not exist. Am I missing a library or something?
Global ResWidth% = 910
Global ResHeight% = 660
Global VersionNumber$ = "1.5"
Loadingwindow=CreateWindow("", GraphicsWidth()/2-160,GraphicsHeight()/2-120,320,260,winhandle,8)
panelloading = CreatePanel(0,0,320,260,Loadingwindow,0)
; create a window to put the toolbar in
WinHandle=CreateWindow("Map Creator SCPCBR v"+VersionNumber,GraphicsWidth()/2-ResWidth/2, GraphicsHeight()/2-ResHeight/2,ResWidth,ResHeight,0, 13)
Global MainHwnd = GetActiveWindow();User32.dll
HideGadget WinHandle
There are two different versions of BlitzBasic which you have to distinguish:
Blitz3D supports many functions for 3D game development. BlitzPlus provides many functions for GUI design. However, there is no BlitzBasic version which supports both features at the same time.
In any case, you have three options: