I'm getting a Key error when invoking a lambda that is actually an API handler lambda. I invoke that specific route using the following syntax
invoke_payload = {
'path': '/3d/terrain/{item_id}/{proxy+}',
'httpMethod': 'GET',
'headers': {'Accept':'application/octet-stream'},
'multiValueHeaders': {},
'queryStringParameters': {'access_token':jwt_token},
'multiValueQueryStringParameters': None,
'pathParameters': {'dataset_id': dataset_id,'proxy':proxy_path},
'stageVariables': None,
'requestContext': {
'path': '/3d/terrain/{item_id}/{proxy+}',
'resourcePath': '/3d/terrain/{item_id}/{proxy+}',
'httpMethod': 'GET',
'body': None,
#syncronous call
response = client.invoke(FunctionName=arn,
result = json.loads(response.get('Payload').read())
return result
What could it be. I passed all the required pathParameters and i think the token should not be a problem.
When i make the get request in Postman i get the following:
"errorMessage": "'item_id'",
"errorType": "KeyError",
"stackTrace": [
" File \"/var/task/chalice/app.py\", line 1040, in __call__\n for name in route_entry.view_args}\n",
" File \"/var/task/chalice/app.py\", line 1040, in <dictcomp>\n for name in route_entry.view_args}\n"
Inside your path you are using the parameter
. But you do not path a value for it:Therefore you get a
while reading the value for the parameteritem_id