Cypress.on('uncaught:exception', (err, runnable) => {
return false;
I added this inside my code block
describe('TBoss Account Creation Credentials', () => {
Cypress.on('uncaught:exception', (err, runnable) => {
return false;
it('Identification Validation', () => {
cy.visit('our website')
cy.origin('', () => {
cy.get('.whsOnd.zHQkBf').eq(0).type('1234', {force: true})
When I access our website, it redirects me to google sign in page.
I couldn't get()
the google sign in input box in order to type the ID, so I used origin, and it works.
However, after adding origin it gives me that error.
On the google sign in page, I can successfully type the ID then it shows the password input form and that's where this error occurs.
I want to get()
the password input and type()
the password and log in through google sign in form.
The origin is sandboxed from the main page.
First thing to try is to move or copy the error catcher inside the
. It may not work, there are some things that can't be run in there.