I just updated to Awesomium and none of my existing VB projects using Awesomium will work. Specifically, it appears that the designer is not recognizing any of the Awesomium web components which I dragged into my form prior to the upgrade. I've just lost a lot of work here. If anybody has a workaround for this problem, I'd really appreciate it.
I just updated to Awesomium and none of my existing VB projects using Awesomium will work. Any advice?
238 views Asked by user4027528 At
Ok. I figured it out. I had to go into the Designer and comment out all Awesomium controls because those referred to the old version of Awesomium. I then dragged and dropped into the designer window replacements for the controls I had removed. After I had reset their properties to match the properties of the old controls, everything worked fine. I tried to find the "Specific Version" property referred to in the email above, but I couldn't for the life of me. Thanks to all who considered the question.