So I've been working on this random selector. I am trying to move the buttons to the positions I want them, but for some reason they are not moving. This is the code:
import random
import customtkinter
import PIL
from PIL import Image
# Create a list to track the names that have already been chosen
chosen_names = []
def button_callback():
# Create a list of names
names = ["Alvaro jesus mota reto","hernado abada treiton","Jualian gabriel rendon maraya"] # Randomly select a name from the list
name = random.choice(names)
# Check if the name has already been chosen
while name in chosen_names:
name = random.choice(names)
# Add the name to the list of chosen names
# Get the label
# label = app.winfo_children()[0]
# Update the label text
# Check if all the values in the list have been selected
if len(chosen_names) == len(names):
def reset_callback():
app = customtkinter.CTk()
image ="imagen.png")
background_image = customtkinter.CTkImage(image, size=(1280, 800))
def bg_resizer(e):
if e.widget is app:
i = customtkinter.CTkImage(image, size=(e.width, e.height))
bg_lbl.configure(text="", image=i)
# Create a bg label
bg_lbl = customtkinter.CTkLabel(app, text="", image=background_image), y=0)
# Create a label
label = customtkinter.CTkLabel(app, text="")
label.grid(row=0, column=0, padx=20, pady=20)
button = customtkinter.CTkButton(app, text=" ", command=button_callback, hover_color='#8DBCBB',fg_color = '#F8E5BE')
button.grid(row=1,column=0,ipadx=40, ipady=30, padx=20, pady=20)
reset_button = customtkinter.CTkButton(app, text="Reiniciar", command=reset_callback,hover_color='#8DBCBB',fg_color = '#17223B')
reset_button.grid(row=0, column=9,padx=0,pady=0)
app.bind("<Configure>", bg_resizer)
I get a window that looks like this but the buttons and label shouldnt be there
I would like the interface to look like this but I haven't been able to make it happen
The top text is the name generated at random; the reiniciar button is the one that is dark blue and the button with no text is the yellow button. If anybody knows how to do this because I haven't been able to do it, my buttons also jump all over depending on the size of the text that is displayed on the top.
Here is updated version of the code (I've added
parameters to widgets andgrid_rowconfigure
to update the sizes when app is resizing:Creates this window: