I have error integrating xstate in svelte component

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I am working on a svelte project with xstate in my app.svelte I have this code =

  import { Machine } from 'xstate'
  import { useMachine } from 'xstate-svelte';

  enum STATE {
        LOADING = 'LOADING',
        LOGIN   = 'LOGIN',
    enum EVENT {
        LOGGINGIN       = 'LOGGINGIN',
    const machine = Machine({
        id      : 'pages',
        initial : STATE.LOADING,
        states  : {
            [STATE.LOADING] : {
                on : {
                    [EVENT.LOGGINGIN] : STATE.PLATFORM,
                    [EVENT.NEEDING_TO_LOG] : STATE.LOGIN,
            [STATE.LOGIN] : {
                on : {
                    [EVENT.LOGGINGIN] : STATE.PLATFORM,
            [STATE.PLATFORM] : {
                on : {
                    [EVENT.LOGGINGOUT] : STATE.LOGIN,
    const { state, send } = useMachine(machine);
    function sendFsm(event: EVENT): void {


    <h1>Hello {JSON.stringify(state)}!</h1>
    <button on:click={ () => sendFsm(EVENT.LOGGINGIN)}>Login</button>
    <button on:click={ () => sendFsm(EVENT.LOGGINGOUT)}>Logout</button>

when doing a npm run dev, I have this error

node_modules/xstate/es/scheduler.js (27:11) 25: } 26: 27: this.process(callback); ^ 28: } Error: Unexpected token at error (/home/matias93/Escritorio/proyecto-2.0/plataforma-web/node_modules/rollup/dist/shared/rollup.js:5252:30) at Module.error (/home/matias93/Escritorio/proyecto-2.0/plataforma-web/node_modules/rollup/dist/shared/rollup.js:9820:16)


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