I am doing a practise model to learn how to use pytorch. I have an imbalanced class set, where one class has 70% of the labels. This means the model will just guess that label each time and get 70% accuracy.
The issue I can't explain is why the UAR is the same as the accuracy? I'll send you the relevant code and hopefully you can see the issue where I cannot:
def val_epoch(epoch, model, criterion, loader, num_classes, device): ''' Evaluate the model on the entire validation set. ''' model.eval()
# Initialize metrics
epoch_loss = torchmetrics.MeanMetric().to(device)
acc_metric = torchmetrics.Accuracy(task='multiclass', num_classes= 7).to(device)
epoch_recall = torchmetrics.Recall(average='macro', task="multiclass", num_classes= 7, validate_args=False).to(device)
#initialize a confusion matrix torchmetrics object
cmatrix = ConfusionMatrix(task="multiclass", num_classes=7).to(device)
with torch.no_grad():
for inputs, lbls in loader:
inputs, lbls = inputs.to(device), lbls.to(device)
#Obtain validation loss
outputs = model(inputs)
loss = criterion(outputs, lbls)
# Accumulate metrics
acc_metric(outputs, lbls)
epoch_recall(outputs, lbls)
acculmate confusion matrix
cmatrix(outputs, lbls)
# Calculate epoch metrics, and store in a dictionary for wandb
metrics_dict = {
'Loss_val': epoch_loss.compute(),
'Accuracy_val': acc_metric.compute(),
'UAR_val': epoch_recall.compute(),
# Compute the confusion matrix[enter image description here][1]
cm = cmatrix.compute()
return metrics_dict, cm
def train_model(model, train_loader, val_loader, optimizer, criterion, class_names, n_epochs, project_name, ident_str=None):
num_classes = len(class_names)
# Initialise Weights and Biases (wandb) project
if ident_str is None:
ident_str = datetime.now().strftime("%Y%m%d_%H%M%S")
exp_name = f"{model.__class__.__name__}_{ident_str}"
run = wandb.init(project=project_name, name=exp_name)
# Train by iterating over epochs
for epoch in tq.tqdm(range(n_epochs), total=n_epochs, desc='Epochs'):
train_metrics_dict = train_epoch(epoch, model, optimizer, criterion,
train_loader, num_classes, device)
val_metrics_dict, cm = val_epoch(epoch, model, criterion,
val_loader, num_classes, device)
wandb.log({**train_metrics_dict, **val_metrics_dict})