I made a CRUD project with electron for desktop. I edit the data with findByIdAndUpdate. But now I need something else. When someone gets save, automatically everyone gets 11 digit code with a function.Also everyone has an enum as "onboard" and "ashore". Now I want to have an input, and when I put the 11 digit code, I want to change the status as reverse, if they are onboard, the button should made it ashore. If ashore, button should made it onboard. I get error of "Task not found" so which means couldn't find it in mongoose database.Here is the app.js code:
function updateStatusByCode(code) {
ipcRenderer.send('update-status-by-code', code);
ipcRenderer.on('update-status-success', (event, updatedTask) => {
console.log('Status updated:', updatedTask);
And main.js code:
ipcMain.on('update-status-by-code', async (event, code) => {
try {
const task = await Task.findOne({ code: code }).exec();
if (!task) {
console.error('Task not found');
task.status = task.status === 'onboard' ? 'ashore' : 'onboard';
const updatedTask = await task.save();
console.log('Status updated:', updatedTask);
event.sender.send('update-status-success', updatedTask);
} catch (err) {
the database model:
const newTaskSchema = new Schema({
code: {
type: Number, // Varsayılan olarak bir tamsayı olarak saklayacağız.
required: true
status: {
type: String,
enum: ["onboard", "ashore"], // Geçerli değerler sadece "onboard" veya "ashore" olabilir
default: "onboard" // Varsayılan değer "onboard" olarak ayarlandı
And HTML code:
<form id="codeForm">
<input type="text" id="taskCode" placeholder="11-Digit Code">
<button type="button" onclick="updateStatusByCode()">Update Status</button>
I get error of "Task not found" Why it can't find the code in database?