I am understanding rootScope and how it works. While following a tutorial its been mentioned that a value mentioned on rootScope is available through entire application and if anything changes on rootScope it will reflect everywhere. In my code below
<div ng-app="sample">
<div ng-controller="emp">
Hello {{name}}. Your tax amount is ${{taxAmount}}
<div ng-controller="empDetails">
Name : {{name}} <br/>
Salary: {{sal}}<br/>
Dept: {{dept}} <br/>
Tax Amount: {{taxAmount}}
var app = angular.module('sample', [])
.run( ['$rootScope', function($rootScope){
$rootScope.taxAmount = 40;
app.controller('emp', ['$scope', function($scope){
$scope.name = "John";
app.controller('empDetails', ['$scope', '$rootScope', function($scope, $rootScope){
$scope.sal = 40000;
$scope.dept= 'CS';
$rootScope.taxAmount = 50;
For both controller I can access the value TaxAmount but on empDetails I have changed the value on rootScope. Since explicitly mentioning value on rootScope at controller level is not a good practice why to use rootScope in controller 2. Is there any practical need in real world. Should we use it.