I am trying to query the database for id before deleting using recipe_id - flask peewee

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I have this API that deletes a recipe using recipe_id that belongs to a user_id. I am trying to create a query before the delete function. I want the app to check if ID exists first, if it's not, flash an error and if it is there, delete the recipe. Thanks.

@app.route('/delete/<int:id>', methods=['DELETE'])
def delete_recipe(id):
current_user = get_jwt_identity()
query = Recipe.delete().where((Recipe.poster_id == current_user) & (Recipe.id == id))
return jsonify({'result': query.execute()}), 204

There are 1 answers

coleifer On

Typically you will raise a 404 not found if the recipe w/the id does not exist.

Peewee can help you with checking existence quite easily:

if not Recipe.select().where(Recipe.id == 234).exists():
    return 'not found', 404