So, I'm trying to geocode a column on a Pandas df using Google Maps Geocoding API via geopy and keep getting this as an output:
GeocoderServiceError: HTTP Error 500: Internal Server Error
Yesterday, I used the same code on a slightly smaller df and it worked fine.
import pandas as pd
from geopy import geocoders
df = pd.read_csv('file.csv')
g = geocoders.GoogleV3(api_key="APIKEY")
df["Coordinates"]=df["GEO"].apply(g.geocode, timeout=50)
df["Latitude"]=df["Coordinates"].apply(lambda x: x.latitude if x != None else None)
df["Longitude"]=df["Coordinates"].apply(lambda x: x.longitude if x != None else None)
"Geo" is the column which contains the full addresses.
So, it turns out I did not find a way to fix specifically this problem. I had to go around it and handle the errors.
Used this code as an example: