HTTP Error 500.0 on StaticFile when using custom identity for AppPool

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I have an MVC4 web application deployed on a Windows 2012 R2 server with IIS 8.5. I configured the Application Pool to run with a custom domain account because the web application needs to call another webservice on the network with Windows authentication enabled.

When i try to reach the page from my browser, i get many "error 500" for my .css, .js files. When i try to browse directly to one of these files, i get an "HTTP Error 500.0 - Internal Server Error" page displayed instead of the content of the script or css. I tried with a simple .txt file, and i get the same error.

Detailed Error Information:

  • Module : IIS Web Core
  • Notification : AuthenticateRequest
  • Handler : StaticFile
  • Error Code : 0x80070542
  • Requested URL : http://{hostname}:8082/test.txt
  • Physical Path : C:\inetpub\wwwroot\aaa\test.txt
  • Logon Method : Negotiate
  • Logon User : {DomainName}\{MyUserLogin}

On the server i gave full NTFS permissions to "Everyone" for the entire C:\inetpub\wwwroot\aaa folder and child folders.

I made the account running the Application Pool part of the local "Administrators" group. It does not change anything, i still get the same error message.

However, if i open the web page directly from the server with localhost, everything works fine.

So i am running out of ideas here. Any suggestions ?

Thanks !


There are 3 answers

Dalek Control On

I found the answer to my issue (identical but with Logon Method: Anonymous instead) over here: Unauthorized access error to html pages in IIS 7.0

Essentially: "After some struggles I found out that in IIS manager->My Site->Authentication->Anonymous Authentication->Edit the identity used for anonymous authentication was set to a specific user by default (IUSR). Setting it to use the application pool identity fixed it for me"

enter image description here

Huky On

this works for me as well in IIS 10. thank you!

btw, I also found the other solution from "Worked for me thanks! But in addition here is how to do it step by step for dummies like me: Start > Local > Security Policy > Local Policies > User rights Assignment > Impersonate a client after authentication > Add User or Group... > Select IIS_IUSRS – Wowe" I couldn't try this alternative due to no permission

Vinnie Amir On

In my case, I had the App Pool identity set for Anonymous auth. I disabled and re-enabled Anonymous Auth and all worked.. First time ever (>10yrs) this happened to me! Thanks 1 hour of time killed.