'HTTP Error 429 Too Many Requests' using Google Perspective API saying

155 views Asked by At

I am using the following code to identify how toxic comments in a data frame are. But I keep getting the 'HTTPError: HTTP Error 429: Too Many Requests'. What should I do?

def aggressiveLanguage_mapper(input_data):

  key = "my_key"
  p = PerspectiveAPI(key)

  input_data['insult_prob'] = np.nan
  input_data['toxicity_prob'] = np.nan
  input_data['threat_prob'] = np.nan

  ignore_comments_counter = 0
  j = 0

  #additional code to resolve an error
  type_base = type(input_data['parent_id'].iloc[0])

  for ind, row in input_data.iterrows():
    j += 1
    if j % 60 == 0:
      print('finished comment '+str(j)+'/'+str(len(input_data)))

    curr_author = row['author']
    curr_subreddit_id = row['subreddit_id']
    curr_id = row['id']
    curr_comment_body = row['body']
    #check the aggressive language probability in the comment body
    result = p.score(curr_comment_body, ["INSULT","TOXICITY","THREAT"])
    input_data.at[ind,'insult_prob'] = result["INSULT"]
    input_data.at[ind,'toxicity_prob'] = result["TOXICITY"]
    input_data.at[ind,'threat_prob'] = result["THREAT"]

  print('total number of comments ignored: ' +str(ignore_comments_counter))
  return input_data

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