Is there any simple and lightweight monitoring tool like well-known htop, but with web interface? For Debian / Repberry Pi. All solutions I've seen was complicated and resource-intensive.
htop with web interface
16.6k views Asked by ofstudio AtThere are 3 answers

I've found an interesting solution to run htop (and any other interactive console application) in browser — shellinabox
Install shellinabox
[sudo] apt-get install shellinabox
Stop shellinabox daemon
[sudo] service shellinaboxd stop
Disable shellinaboxd autostart (in default configuration shellinaboxd serves http-ssh session on 4200 port)
[sudo] update-rc.d -f shellinaboxd remove
Now start shellinaboxd with own parameters
[sudo] shellinaboxd -t -b -p 8888 --no-beep \
-s '/htop_app/:nobody:nogroup:/:htop -d 10'
-t — disable ssl (if necessary, not recommended for public servers)
-b — run in background
-p — web server port number
--no-beep — disable annoying beeps
-s '…commands…' — session configurstion, where
/htop_app/ — URL
nobody:nogroup — user and group for session (nobody:no group chosen for security reasons)
htop -d 10 — command (actually session shell): run htop with -d 10 argument (means update every second)
Now go to browser and navigate to
Should look something like this (screenshot)

is great! Use that!
Very light dependencies -- basically just Python, psustil
, bottle
if you want to see it as a webservice...
Thanks everything works well!
In debian wheezy:
Becomes (without the letter 'd')
The same applies to update-rc.d line