Html plublisher - Could not copy html report to other path within workspace

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Trying to copy the HTML publisher report to another path in same workspace.

Added below script in jenkinsfile

  publishHTML([allowMissing: false, alwaysLinkToLastBuild: false,includes: '**/*.png', keepAll: true, reportDir: target/cucumber-html-reports', reportFiles: report.html', reportName: 'HTMLReport', reportTitles: ''])

Jenkins Console log

    [htmlpublisher] Archiving HTML reports...

    [htmlpublisher] Archiving at BUILD level /apps/cloudbees-je/cloudbees-data/workspace/TEST/all_test/target/cucumber-html-reports to    /apps/jenkins/cloudbees-data/jobs/TEST/jobs/all_test/builds/42/htmlreports/HTMLReport

I am trying to copy the HTML publisher output “/apps/jenkins/cloudbees-data/jobs/TEST/jobs/all_test/builds/42/htmlreports/HTMLReport" To ${env.WORKSPACE}/report by running below script in jenkinsfile

   sh "cp /apps/jenkins/cloudbees-data/jobs/TEST/jobs/all_test/builds/42/htmlreports/HTMLReport ${env.WORKSPACE}/report/"


   cp: cannot stat ‘/apps/jenkins/cloudbees-data/jobs/DSO_TEST/jobs/dso_automation_ete_test/builds/46/htmlreports/HTMLReport’: No such file or directory

Any Suggestion to copy the HTML publisher report to another path.Not understanding why o could not see an files in the HTMl publisher reported path.


There are 1 answers

Altaf On

You must check if all files are available at the defined location.
You can then do a copy command using :

cp /apps/jenkins/cloudbees-data/jobs/DSO_TEST/jobs/dso_automation_ete_test/builds/46/htmlreports/* ${env.WORKSPACE}/report/