How would you access a specific index in a My.Settings ArrayList using String Format

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i've an ArrayList Saved in My.Settings i am trying to Access it using some string, Here is the code so you get what i am trying to do

If listBoxEdit1.SelectedIndex > -1 Then
        My.Settings("Sup" & listBoxEdit1.SelectedIndex + 1 & "(1)") = Convert.ToDouble(Margin2TextBox.Text)
    End If

i need to specify the value for My.Settings.Sup1(1)

How would you do it?

i've Multiple ArrayLists which goes form My.Settings.Sup1 to My.Settings.Sup20 so the listBoxEdit1.SelectedIndex+1 specifies the number of the ArrayList but i can't figure out how to get the index

also tried

My.Settings("Sup" & listBoxEdit1.SelectedIndex + 1 &"("& 1 & ")")


My.Settings("Sup" & listBoxEdit1.SelectedIndex + 1).Item(1)

There are 1 answers


Select StringCollection as Type of your setting.

enter image description here

Then you can easily access a specific element with an index.

Dim setting As StringCollection = My.Settings.MySetting
Dim value1 = My.Settings.MySetting(1)
Dim value2 = My.Settings.MySetting(2)
Dim valueX = My.Settings.MySetting.Item(X)


If your setting is called Sup1, you can access it via My.Settings("Sup1") or My.Settings("Sup" & whatever). Then, you have your ArrayList or StringCollection and can access its items like every other ArrayList or StringCollection.

So your code should probably read:

 My.Settings("Sup" & listBoxEdit1.SelectedIndex + 1)(1) = Convert.ToDouble(Margin2TextBox.Text)

Here's another example:

My.Settings.MySetting1 = New StringCollection()

My.Settings("MySetting" & 1).Add("FooBar")
My.Settings("MySetting" & 1).Add("123456")

My.Settings("MySetting" & 1)(0) = "Hey, what's up?"

MsgBox(My.Settings("MySetting" & 1)(1))