How works the OnMouseDown event on my MainForm with Firemokey?

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I am using Tmainform.OnKeyDown and it fires always correctly, besides the controls or frames added to the form.

I need the same behavior for OnMouseDown.

My goal is to track activity of the user. After x minutes with no keyboard nor mouse clicks I want to close the application.

Edit: TMainForm.OnMouseDown never gets fired. I don't want to do anything with the event, just know that the user is alive and clicking.


There are 1 answers


For the Form to see keystrokes prior to the active control you need to set the KeyPreview property within the forms Object Inspector.

You can also do this via code: Form1.KeyPreview := True;

There is a substantial explanation in the accepted answer here: How does Delphi's KeyPreview work?

Regarding your mouse query, how do you know it isn't working if you're not doing anything there?

Put this code into your forms OnMouseDown event;

PROCEDURE TForm1.FormMouseDown(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
  CASE Button OF
    mbLeft:   showmessage('Left Mouse Button!');
    mbRight:  showmessage('Right Mouse Button!');
    mbMiddle: showmessage('Middle Mouse Button!');

I hope this is helpful and answers your question.