How to ZIP specific files from a folder using Winzip command line?

47.9k views Asked by At

With this command, I'm able to ZIP all files from the folders:

wzzip.exe -a -p -r C:\DestinationPath\ C:\SourcePath\*.*

But, my folder has .dat,.bat,.txt,.xls files.I want to ZIP only .dat and .bat file.How to do this?



There are 3 answers


use this command (for the particular scenario in the question):

wzzip.exe -a -p -r C:\DestinationPath\ C:\SourcePath\*.dat C:\SourcePath\*.bat

for more command line options for winZip refer to the following links:

winZip command line Reference 1

winZip command line Reference 2

To provide multiple file names you can also use @filename where the filename is a file which contains the list of files which you want to include in the zip file.

If you are making the command configurable then you can ask the user/ other program which is calling your command to select the file extensions and then write these selected extensions into the "filename" file using java code or any other language you prefer.

For example if the user selects bat and dat , then write "C:\SourcePath\*.bat" and "C:\SourcePath\*.dat" into the file(assume filename is fileExtensions.txt) and call the command

wzzip.exe -a -p -r "C:\DestinationPath\" @"C:\SourcePath\fileExtensions.txt"
foxidrive On

If the command line given above is right then give this a go: but check the paths.

@echo off
pushd "C:\SourcePath"
"c:\program files\winzip\wzzip.exe" -a -p -r "C:\DestinationPath\" *.dat *.bat
Delmar Grande On

You can use the D7zip

An excellent zipador file and folders D7zip.exe

link to download

How to use

compressing files

D7Zip.exe -z "c:\" -f "C:\filein.txt"

compressing files and putting password

D7Zip.exe -z "c:\" -f "C:\filein.txt" -s "123"

compressing folders

D7Zip.exe -z "c:\" -f "C:\folderin\"

unzipping files

D7Zip.exe -u "c:\" -f "c:\folderout\"

unzipping files that have password

D7Zip.exe -u "c:\" -f "c:\folderout\" -s "123"

decompressing files by extension

D7Zip.exe -u "c:\" -f "c:\folderout\*.txt"

decompressing files without asking for confirmation to replace

D7Zip.exe -u "c:\" -f "c:\folderout\" -r


D7Zip.exe -?

D7Zip.exe by Delmar Grande.