FileStream fs = new FileStream(filename,FileMode.Open,FileAccess.Read);
MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();
ms.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
IdSharp.Tagging.ID3v2.IID3v2 tags = IdSharp.Tagging.ID3v2.ID3v2Helper.CreateID3v2(ms);
// here i am changing year to new value
tags.Year = "2012";
tags.Save("path"); // here it is asking for file path.
My task is to read and write id3v2 tags to mp3 stream. But save method in this case is taking string path as parameter. Is there any way to do this? Presently I am using idsharp dll.
You can take a look to the implementation of the save method.
I only reported the code of the current implementation, I have not tested it or compiled.