I know that it may seem a duplicate question, but I could not find my answer in previous questions. I mean how to write a log base 10 function by simple loops and not using built in log function in c++.
How to write a log base 10 function in c++?
4.3k views Asked by hamed At
There are 3 answers

You'll get faster convergence with Newton's Method. Use something like this (hand written not compiled or tested uses f(r) = 2**r - x to compute log2(x) ):
double next(double r, double x) {
static double one_over_ln2 = 1.4426950408889634;
return r - one_over_ln2 * (1 - x / (1 << static_cast<int>(r)));
double log2(double x) {
static double epsilon = 0.000000001; // change this to change accuracy
double r = x / 2;. // better first guesses converge faster
double r2 = next(r, x);
double delta = r - r2;
while (delta * delta > epsilon) {
r = r2;
r2 = next(r, x);
delta = r - r2
return r2;
double log10(double x) {
static double log2_10 = log2(10);
return log2(x) / log2_10;
The easiest way is to calculate the natural logarithm (ln) with a Taylor series. Once you have found the natural logarithm, just divide it by ln(10) and you get the base-10 log.
The Taylor series is quite simple to implement in C. If
is the number for which you are seeking the log, you just have to loop a few iterations multiplying an accumulator by(z-1)
each time. To a limit, the more iterations you run, the more accurate your result will be. Check it a few times against the libClog10()
version until you are happy with the precision.This is a "numeric approach". There are other numeric solutions to finding the logarithm of a number which can give more accurate results. Some of them can be found in that Wikipedia link I gave you.