How to write a custom function for extracting predictions from `effects::Effect()`

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I want to write a function that takes in data and runs a multinomial regression (using nnet::multinom), then extracts a focal prediction (using Effects::effect). While I'm able to get it done with regular code, a custom function fails.



I conduct a research to find which type of color people like the most: red, green, or blue. I sample 200 people, and ask them to choose the one color they like the most. Because I suspect that some variables might confound the results, I measure them as well: (1) sex, (2) color blindness, and (3) age.


I will run a multinomial regression using nnet::multinom and then extract a focal prediction from that model (using Effects::effect) which will account for specific values for sex, color blindness, and age.




df <-
  data.frame(person_id = 1:200,
             chosen_color = sample(c("red", "green", "blue"), size = 200, replace = TRUE),
             age = sample(18:80, size = 200, replace = TRUE),
             is_colorblind = sample(c(0, 1), prob = c(0.2, 0.8), size = 200, replace = TRUE),
             is_female = sample(c(0, 1), prob = c(0.3, 0.7), size = 200, replace = TRUE)


## # A tibble: 200 x 5
##    person_id chosen_color   age is_colorblind is_female
##        <int> <chr>        <int>         <dbl>     <dbl>
##  1         1 blue            57             1         0
##  2         2 blue            51             1         0
##  3         3 blue            38             1         1
##  4         4 red             30             1         1
##  5         5 green           78             1         1
##  6         6 red             72             1         0
##  7         7 green           63             1         1
##  8         8 green           69             0         0
##  9         9 red             57             1         0
## 10        10 blue            20             0         1
## # ... with 190 more rows

What is the proportion of popularity for each color?

(A) The simple yet likely inaccurate method

Just find the most frequent color in chosen color:

df %>%
  group_by(chosen_color) %>%
  summarise(n = n()) %>%
  mutate(freq = n / sum(n))

## # A tibble: 3 x 3
##   chosen_color     n  freq
##   <chr>        <int> <dbl>
## 1 blue            76  0.38
## 2 green           60  0.3 
## 3 red             64  0.32

Since I want to find insights that are general to the entire population, I have little faith in the accuracy of the table I got. This is because my sample is not representative. In my sample, 20% of the people are colorblinded and 70% are female. If I have a reason to believe that sex and colorblindedness might influence color popularity, then this sample is problematic.

(B) Accounting and correcting for sample (un)representativeness

Using regression I can: (1) model the relationship between color preference and demographics variables, and (2) predict a "corrected" average response based on the demographic values that occur in the population (but not necessarily in my sample). Since my variable of interest is nominal, I'm using a multinomial regression (with `nnet::multinom`).

1. Fit the model


fit <-
  nnet::multinom(chosen_color ~ age + is_colorblind + is_female,
                 data = df)

2. Define a vector with the "corrected" values as they happen to be in the population level, to use in the prediction step.

  • age -- I know that the average age in the population is 45.
  • sex -- I know that sex is roughly at 50% split, thus 0.5.
  • color blindness -- I know that on average, 2% of the population is color blinded (say). Hence 0.02.
one_average_person <- 
  c(age = 45,
    is_female = 0.5,
    is_colorblind = 0.02

3. Use a prediction function to get a focal prediction for each color, given the values in one_average_person.

I've found only effects::Effect to play well with a model generated from nnet::multinom. Still, since I couldn't find a straightforward way to get a focal prediction for the values I specify, I ended up with a workaround. In the following code, age is the "focal" predictor, but I also specify the other variables using the given.values argument. Furthermore, I can't just ask for age = 45 because Effect cannot take a single value, so I ask for a prediction for both age = 45 and age = 90. Then I remove the prediction for 90 because I don't need it.


prediction <- 
                  given.values = one_average_person, 
                  xlevels = list(age = c(45,90)))

wrangled_prediction_data <-
  data.frame(prediction$prob, prediction$lower.prob, prediction$upper.prob) %>% 
  slice(1) %>%  ## <----- here I remove the unnecessary prediction for age = 90
  pivot_longer(., cols = everything(), 
               names_to = c(".value", "response"), 
               names_pattern = "(.*)\\.(.*$)") %>%
  rename("lower_ci" = "L.prob",
         "upper_ci" = "U.prob",
         "estimate" = "prob")

> wrangled_prediction_data

## # A tibble: 3 x 4
##   response estimate lower_ci upper_ci
##   <chr>       <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl>
## 1 blue        0.474    0.328    0.625
## 2 green       0.290    0.172    0.445
## 3 red         0.236    0.129    0.391

The values in the table reflect the popularity of each color, when accounting for the situation in the population level.

Writing a function to streamline the regression + prediction process above

While I had to do some gymnastics with Effect to get what I need (please give feedback on that if you see a better way than my awkward code), I want to write a function to make this work more concise.

My unsuccessful function

As you can see, I'm limited to using age as a predictor, so I ended up building the function around age. In reality, this is far from ideal, because not always will I have age in my data. But my function is not working regardless of that. The reason for this difficulty is that "age" is entered as a string in focal.predictors argument, but as a variable in xlevels (within a list). I tried using double curly brackets (of tidy evaluation), but still unsuccessful.


analyze_multiple_choice_w_age <-
           one_ave_person_vec) {
    fit <-
      data %>%
        data = .,
        formula = as.formula(
          paste(names(select({{ data }}, vars_demog )), collapse = " + "),
          sep = " ~ "
    prediction <-
        focal.predictors = age_var_for_Effect,
        mod = fit,
        given.values = one_average_person,
        xlevels = list(age_var_for_Effect = c(ave_age, 90)


Any ideas on making this function to work?


There are 1 answers


Here is a version of your function that works if you provide all variable names as strings:


df <-
  data.frame(person_id = 1:200,
             chosen_color = sample(c("red", "green", "blue"), size = 200, replace = TRUE),
             age = sample(18:80, size = 200, replace = TRUE),
             is_colorblind = sample(c(0, 1), prob = c(0.2, 0.8), size = 200, replace = TRUE),
             is_female = sample(c(0, 1), prob = c(0.3, 0.7), size = 200, replace = TRUE)


analyze_multiple_choice_w_age <-
           one_ave_person_vec) {
    fit <-
      data %>%
        data = .,
        formula = as.formula(
            paste(vars_demog, collapse = " + "),
            sep = " ~ "
    prediction <-
        focal.predictors = age_var_for_Effect,
        mod = fit,
        given.values = one_ave_person_vec,
        xlevels = list2(!!age_var_for_Effect := c(ave_age, 90)

test <- analyze_multiple_choice_w_age(
  data = df,
  vars_demog = c("age", "is_colorblind", "is_female"),
  vars_dv = "chosen_color",
  age_var_for_Effect = "age",
  ave_age = 45,
  one_ave_person_vec = c(age = 45,
                         is_female = 0.5,
                         is_colorblind = 0.02


age effect (probability) for blue
       45        90 
0.3030466 0.2604459 

age effect (probability) for green
       45        90 
0.3992617 0.5270109 

age effect (probability) for red
       45        90 
0.2976917 0.2125432 

What I changed:

  • as.formula can directly work with strings, so I simplified this
  • from rlang, I use !! to force the evaluation of age_var_for_Effect to use this as the variable name in the list. You can use := from rlang to assign a (forced) name as the variable name of a list, however this does not work in the normal list but in rlang::list2