I have this AST explorer snippet which almost lets me do what I want, which is to turn this:
function bar() {return 42;}
var baz = {}
import 'get-outta-here';
import 'get-outta-here';
function wrap() {
function bar() {return 42;}
var baz = {}
i.e. wrap all top-level statements and declarations except the import
ones. However, my jscodeshift transform is buggy in a way I can't understand.
- I can wrap, and remove the imports, but I can't move them to the top.
- I can move them to the top but not wrap
I suspect my wrapping logic is off: root.get().value.program.body
sounds hacky.
export default function transformer(file, api) {
const j = api.jscodeshift;
const root = j(file.source);
const wrapper = j(j.expressionStatement(
j.identifier('foo'), [],
), []), []));
const nodes = root.find(j.ImportDeclaration).nodes();
// wraps, but doesn't re-add the import at top-level
return wrapper.toSource();
// fails
// return wrapper.find(j.Statement).at(0).insertBefore(nodes).toSource();
// moves it to the beginning, but no wrap
return root.find(j.Statement).at(0).insertBefore(nodes).toSource();
Got it. Just use
to put a proper "Program" AST inwrapper