We have a sample code like below. Is it possible to to capture all missing attributes invoked in package FooBar and create it dynamically? This is something like PHP's __call.
package Person;
use feature qw(say);
use Moo;
has name => (is => "ro");
my $p = Person->new(name => "John");
say $p->name;
# The missing attribute method will be dynamically created when
# invoked even it's not declared in Person.
say $p->lalala;
$ perl test.pl
Can't locate object method "lalala" via package "Test" at test.pl line 13.
It's possible using AUTOLOAD and metaprogramming, the question remains Why.
There might be nicer ways using parameterized roles, but I just wanted to quickly show how to do it. I would reject such code in a review (I'd expect at least a comment explaining why autoloading is needed).
Update: Previously, my code was more complex, as it replied to @simbabque's comment to the question: it showed how to add the attribute to an instance, not the whole class.