How to wait until the user finished the tasks after grecaptcha.execute()? reCAPTCHA v2 invisible

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I would like to make my own website, where I use reCAPTCHA. However, I don't know how to wait after grecaptcha.execute() until the user has completed the tasks. Because now the link is called directly without passing the tasks. For the rest I use the standard Google Script It is the reCAPTCHA v2 invisible.

I would be happy about answers.

<script src="" async defer></script>
       function onSubmit(token) {
         grecaptcha.execute().then(var vslg = document.getElementById("vslg").value;
    <a class="button"></a>
    <div class="topBar">
    <div class="underTopBar">
            <form action="JavaScript:onSubmit()" class="flex-itemform form" method="POST" id="formV">
                                <input type="text"  id="vslg" required>
                                <div class="g-recaptcha"
                                <input type="submit" class="buttonDesign" value="Senden">

There are 2 answers


The following code does this:

  1. The <button class="g-recaptcha"... is the Automatically bind the challenge to a button. It will automatically trigger the invisible recaptcha when the button is clicked.
  2. Once the recaptcha is completed it will add a hidden field named g-recaptcha-response which contains the token and then run the onSubmit callback which submits the form.
     <script src="" async defer></script>
       function onSubmit() {
    <a class="button"></a>
    <div class="topBar">
    <div class="underTopBar">
            <form class="flex-itemform form" method="POST" id="formV">
                                  class="g-recaptcha buttonDesign"

Important: You still need to verify the token g-recaptcha-response server side. See Verifying the user's response. Without verifying the token, adding the recaptcha to the frontend doesn't stop anyone from submitting the form.

Sina Atalay On

I have spent more than 3 hours on this nonsense. It turned out to be a straightforward problem. I hope I can help somebody with this answer.

First, you must realize that you need 2 JavaScript functions.

1- A one that is executed after the submit button is pressed. In this function, always use: event.preventDefault() to avoid form submission! You don't want to submit your form yet. grecaptcha.execute() to initiate the reCAPTCHA.

You can execute this function with the submit button (onClick property).

2- A one that is executed after the reCAPTCHA is solved successfully. For this function, you only need: document.getElementById("form").submit() to submit your form.

To execute this function, use data-callback property in your reCAPTCHA div element. As you can see in the docs, data-callback property is defined as

The name of your callback function, executed when the user submits a successful response. The g-recaptcha-response token is passed to your callback.

That's all you need. Make sure that your form only gets submitted with the second function you created, nothing else.