I have the following code within a gitlab pipeline which results in some kind of race condition:
kubectl apply -f pipelineRun.yaml
tkn pipelinerun logs -f pipeline-run
The tkn
command immediately exits, since the pipelineRun object is not yet created. There is one very nice solution for this problem:
kubectl apply -f pipelineRun.yaml
kubectl wait --for=condition=Running --timeout=60s pipelinerun/pipeline-run
tkn pipelinerun logs -f pipeline-run
Unfortunately this is not working as expected, since Running
seems to be no valid condition for a pipelineRun object. So my question is: what are the valid conditions of a pipelineRun object?
I didn't search too far and wide, but it looks like they only have two condition types imported from the knative.dev project?
The link above is for the imported condition types from the pipeline source code of which it looks like Tekton only uses "Ready" and "Succeeded".
But there may be other imports of this nature elsewhere in the project.