I figured out how to dismiss System alert, but I am not able to wait for it to show , since app doesn't see System Alerts. I tried to debug with app.debugDescription and app.alerts.count but no luck.
How to wait for Location Alert ( which is system alert) to show?
1.9k views Asked by Nikolay Yasinovsky At
There are 2 answers

You should use addUIInterruptionMonitor
as @Oletha wrote.
The tricky part here is that system alert buttons don't use Accessibility Identifiers so you have to search for text to tap them. This text is translated to the language you're running your simulator/device, which can be hard if you want to run the test for several languages beside English.
You could use AutoMate framework to simplify this. Here you have an example how to deal with system alerts using AutoMate:
func locationWhenInUse() {
let token = addUIInterruptionMonitor(withDescription: "Location") { (alert) -> Bool in
guard let locationAlert = LocationWhenInUseAlert(element: alert) else {
XCTFail("Cannot create LocationWhenInUseAlert object")
return false
return true
// Interruption won't happen without some kind of action.
// Wait for given element to appear
wait(forVisibilityOf: locationPage.requestLabel)
In the example above the locationAlert.allowElement.tap()
is possible because AutoMate can handle any language supported by iOS Simulator.
For more examples on how to deal with system alerts using AutoMate please look into: PermissionsTests.swift
to register an interruption monitor. To 'wait' for the system alert to appear, use the handler to set a variable when it has been dealt with, and execute a benign interaction with the app when you want to wait for the alert.You must continue to interact with the app while you are waiting, as interactions are what trigger interruption monitors.