The problem is this, I, am writing a chip 8 emulator in C, and i am using a library that use Xlib, for writing sprites attending input etc, the method that the library have for wait an input is this:
char gfx_wait(){
XEvent event;
while(1) {
if(event.type==KeyPress) {
saved_xpos = event.xkey.x;
saved_ypos = event.xkey.y;
return XLookupKeysym(&event.xkey,0);
} else if(event.type==ButtonPress) {
saved_xpos = event.xkey.x;
saved_ypos = event.xkey.y;
return event.xbutton.button;
when i call this method the program stops waiting for input, I, need a methods that is called just when i press or release a button.
I just solve my problem, using this function :
and this is the main :
I, am sure that there is a better way for do this , but you know, It's work...