is a standard VCL control. Unfortunately, the Edit Text is vertically attached to the TOP which looks very ugly instead of being vertically centered:
This is how it should look like instead:
Here is the object code:
object tlbFilter: TToolBar
AlignWithMargins = True
Left = 1
Top = 30
Width = 322
Height = 24
Margins.Left = 0
Margins.Top = 5
Margins.Right = 0
Margins.Bottom = 2
BorderWidth = 1
Color = clBtnFace
DoubleBuffered = True
EdgeInner = esNone
EdgeOuter = esRaised
Images = ImageList16
ParentColor = False
ParentDoubleBuffered = False
TabOrder = 2
Transparent = False
DesignSize = (
object edtFilter: TButtonedEdit
Left = 0
Top = 0
Width = 315
Height = 22
Anchors = [akLeft, akTop, akRight]
BorderStyle = bsNone
Images = ImageList16
LeftButton.Enabled = False
LeftButton.ImageIndex = 7
LeftButton.Visible = True
RightButton.DisabledImageIndex = 46
RightButton.HotImageIndex = 2
RightButton.ImageIndex = 45
RightButton.PressedImageIndex = 31
RightButton.Visible = True
TabOrder = 0
So how can I vertically center the Edit Text in Vcl.ExtCtrls.TButtonedEdit