How to verifyElement to the specific span ID element

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I'm using Selenium IDE and need to find a the correct verifyElementPresent to a specific ID element. For example I need to associate the class "icogreen icon-fioyes" to the id "toy_rule2_checkmark" as of right now. look at html code below

there will be only be ONE class "icogreen icon-fioyes" (This indicates a green check mark to the lable). This will change on the website to either


right now i just have this below, but this only targets the green check mark and not to a specific ID


//span[contains(@class, 'icogreen icon-nwxyes')]

Thank you in advance

<div class="benefits">
  <div id="toy_rule1" class="row even">
    <span id="toy_rule1_checkmark" class="fiono"></span>
    8% of toys sales up to $49.99
  <div id="toy _rule2" class="row odd">
    <span id="toy_rule2_checkmark" class="icogreen icon-fioyes" style="background-color: transparent;"></span>
    10% of toys sales $50.00-$149.99
  <div id="toy_rule3" class="row even">
    <span id="toy_rule3_checkmark" class="fiono"></span>
    12% of toys with sales $150.00 and above

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