I'm using Twilio Programmable Voice to process phone calls.
I want to use bi-directional stream feature to send some raw audio data to play by twilio, the initialization code looks like,
from twilio.twiml.voice_response import Connect, VoiceResponse, Stream
response = VoiceResponse()
connect = Connect()
Then when got wss connection from twilio, I start to send raw audio data to twilio, like this
async def send_raw_audio(self, ws, stream_sid):
print('send raw audio')
import base64
import json
with open('test.wav', 'rb') as wav:
while True:
frame_data = wav.read(1024)
if len(frame_data) == 0:
print('no more data')
base64_data = base64.b64encode(frame_data).decode('utf-8')
print('send base64 data')
media_data = {
"event": "media",
"streamSid": stream_sid,
"media": {
"playload": base64_data
media = json.dumps(media_data)
print(f"media: {media}")
await ws.send(media)
print('finished sending')
is a wav file encoded audio/x-mulaw
with a sample rate of 8000.
But when run, I can't hear anything, and on twilio console, it said
31951 - Stream - Protocol - Invalid Message
Possible Causes
- Message does not have JSON format
- Unknown message type
- Missing or extra field in message
- Wrong Stream SID used in message
I have no idea which part is wrong. Does anyone know what's my problem? I can't find an example about this scenario, just follow instructions here, really appreciate it if someone knows there is an example about this, thanks.
Question is probably not relevant anymore, but I came across this while debugging my bi-directional stream, so it might be useful for someone: