How can I use TThread.Synchronize()
to retrieve the text of a TEdit
control. Should I assign the TEdit
text to a global variable or something?
How to use TThread.Synchronize() to retrieve the text of a TEdit control?
268 views Asked by AudioBubble At
First, declare a method in your form that retrieves the text. This method can be called both from the main thread and a worker thread:
Secondly, when you create the thread, pass the (callback) method in the create method and use it to get the text in a thread safe manner:
Note, you can also do the syncronization from your thread directly if you prefer that. The point is that you pass a callback method to the worker thread.
As David mention in comments, always separate the UI part from worker threads (and for all business logic as well). Even in small programs, since they tend to grow over time, and suddenly you find yourself (or a co-worker) in a bad position with lots of code that is hard to maintain or understand.