How to use the same UI with multiple java files? ANDROID JAVA

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I'm a newbie and I'm working on a Unit Converter.

I would like to open the same UI regardless of which button I click(Weight or Length) main_activity.xml UI


Below is the UI I want to open: activity_conversion.xml UI


And I would like each button in the main_activity to run on a different java class. So, (minus the and it's .xml file) I have 1 xml file(activity_conversion.xml) and 2 java files one for each button of the main_activity.xml

activity_main.xml Weight button


activity_main.xml Length button


public void weightPage(View view){
    Intent intent = new Intent(this, WeightActivity.class);

public void lengthPage(View view) {
    Intent intent2 = new Intent(this, LengthActivity.class);
} code for Length button

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

setContentView() method doesn't work for me:( Thanks in advance!


There are 1 answers

Shreemaan Abhishek On

I would like to open the same UI regardless of which button I click(Weight or Length)

You can do that by creating an activity and its layout XML file. And then start that activity via explicit intent like this:

//Place this code inside the onClick method
Intent intent = new Intent(SoucreActivity.this, DestinationActivity.class);

And I would like each button in the main_activity to run on a different java class.

No, you cannot. All UI elements on a screen are always in the same activity; they cannot run on different java classes. (Unless you are using fragments of which you need not worry about as you are a newbie)

Apparently, you want the two buttons in your main activity to open the same activity. Which you can achieve using intents using the code snippet mentioned above.