I have the following 606 x 274 table: see here
For every date calculate lower and upper 20% percentiles and, based on the outcome, create 2 new variables, e.g. 'L' for "lower" and 'U' for "upper", which contain the ticker names as seen in the header of the table.
Step by step:
% Replace NaNs with 'empty' for the percentile calculation (error: input to be cell array)
T(cellfun(@isnan,T)) = {[]}
% Change date format
T.Date=[datetime(T.Date, 'InputFormat', 'eee dd-MMM-yyyy')];
% Take row by row
for row=1:606
% If Value is in upper 20% percentile create new variable 'U' that contains the according ticker names.
% If Value is in lower 20% percentile create new variable 'L' that contains the according ticker names.
So far, experimenting with 'prctile' only yielded a numeric outcome, for a single column. Example:
Y = prctile(T.A2AIM,20,2);
Thanks for your help and ideas!
Generally speaking, if you have an array of numbers:
percentiles can be computed by first sorting the array and then attempting to access the index supplied in the percentile. So
's functionality could in principle be replaced byHowever,
does a bit more of fancy magic interpolating the input vector to get a value that is less affected by array size. However, you can use the idea above to find the percentile splitting columns. If you chose to do it like I said above, what you want to do to get the headers that correspond to the 20% and 80% percentiles is to loop through the rows, remove the NaNs, get the indeces of the sort on the remaining values and get the particular index of the 20% or 80% percentile. Regrettably, I have an old version of Matlab that does not support tables so I couldn't verify if the header names are returned correctly, but the idea should be clear.If you want to use matlab's
, you would have to find the returned value's index doing something like this: