When I download the contents of a Google Photos album, I lose the order of the photos. To solve this problem, I wrote a 109 line Python program that uses the Google Photos API to simply enumerate the names of the photo filenames in the order they appear in the album.
I got it to work, but to use it I have to click through three different screens warning me that my app has not be reviewed by Google. It's not clear to me how I can can get my 109 lines of Python reviewed by Google.
Does anyone know any way of streamlining this process?
The code I used for authorization is
# The Photos Library API wants the credentials in a file.
fd, filename = tempfile.mkstemp()
os.write(fd, bytes("""{"installed":{
""", "utf-8"))
# Authorize use of the API to read photo library metadata.
flow = InstalledAppFlow.from_client_secrets_file(filename,
success_message="Authorization successful. You may close this window.",
session = flow.authorized_session()