How to use some of enum values in selectItem of selectOneRadio in Jsf

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I have an old project to implement some tasks but i'm not sure how to make it. jsff file i want to put some of the enum values as select item of oneRadio I found some answers but all of them shows how to add list of each enum value but i want to show only two out of three value

public enum DepartmentEnum{
  public enum SaEnum {

    private String dep;

    SaEnum(String dep) {
        this.dep= dep;

    public String getDep() {
        return dep;

    public boolean eq(String dep) {
        return Objects.nonNull(dep) && this.getDep().equals(dep);

I only want to show dep2 and dep3 in this condition but i couldn't make it

<af:column id="clDepartment" headerText="Department" width="%5" rendered="#{bean.isSection2}" noWrap="false">
  <af:selectOneRadio id="otType" value="#{row.employee.dep}">
    <f:selectItem itemValue="#{bean.depEnum[1]}" itemLabel="Dep2"/>
    <f:selectItem itemValue="#{bean.depEnum.get(2)}" itemLabel="Dep3"/>

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