How to use simple vocabulary line with GeoSPARQL:sfWithin and polygon?

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prefix ex: <> 
prefix geo: <> 

ex:b7 a sf:Line ;
geo:asWKT "<> LINESTRING(55.3 -160.5,55.3 -160.5)^^geo:wktLiteral .

SPARQL query:

prefix rdf: <>
prefix rdfs: <>
prefix geo: <> 
prefix geof: <>
prefix sf: <> 
prefix ex: <> 
prefix ogis: <>

select * where {
  ?a a sf:Line .
  FILTER (geo:sfWithin(?a, "<> POLYGON((50 -170, 50 -140, 60 -140, 60 -170))"^^geo:wktLiteral))

In open-source edition of Virtuoso this results in the error:

Virtuoso 42000 Error RDFGE: RDF box with a geometry RDF type and a non-geometry content

Does the line also need to be declared as a geo:Geometry?

Edit: sf:Line is a subclass of geo:Geometry, so I assumed it could be used in the same fashion.


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