For a school project, I am writing a program that uses very large (hundreds of GB) text files. I've used bash split to split them into manageable (2GB) chunks then compressed them through bash with Bzip2. I need to extract them one at a time to disk then open them as an array for parsing. The issue I'm running into is using SharpZipLib. I'm not using an IDE per se, and am running a single source file solution which is compiled through Mono's mcs and/or .NET's csc.exe. I installed Nuget's command line variant and bash variant and then nuget install SharpZipLib
which said it installed successfully on both systems. I tried a using ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Core;
but that threw an error saying that ICSharpCode
doesn't exist. The only documentation I can find involves Visual Studio or Xamarin Projects, neither of which I am using. How can I use the SharpZipLib in this file? Maybe more accurately, how can I "inform the compiler" of the library? Alternatively, is there a better solution for my use case?
How to use SharpZipLib in a single file solution?
745 views Asked by Hunter Robertson At
Ok. For Mono (mcs) the way to have it work is as follows:
mcs file.cs -r:ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.dll
after moving the correct .dll into the project folder. For .NET (csc.exe), it seems to be the same steps butcsc.exe filename.cs /t:ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.dll