How to use Sequelize in SailsJs

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Waterline is an excellent ORM but I noticed that there are many features that are not present yet on waterline but Sequelize already have. So I have decided to switch to sequelize but still using Sails for the others things. I have search tutorial how to switch to sequelize but nothing. How can I replace Waterline for sequelize in sails Js?


There are 1 answers

FXCesinha On

I've moved forward with sequelize as well, there are two project that came out really recently, so i would like to announce them.


It follows the answer by Manuel Darveau, it will fetch all your models, import through sequelize and serves your models as a global variables, you can force the sequelize syncronization with the same way with migrate: 'drop'


Sails blueprints has saved me a LOT of time, so i've wrote a fork to work with sequelize, it work the same way than original blueprints, and you'll still have the same blueprints configurations such as rest, shortcuts, prefix and so on, since waterline populate models with populateEach() function, it uses include: [{ all: true }] which the result is the same.

A full example:

$ npm install sails-hook-sequelize
$ npm install sails-hook-sequelize-blueprints
$ npm install sequelize
$ npm install pg pg-hstore
$ npm install continuation-local-storage


"hooks": {
    "blueprints": false,
    "orm": false,
    "pubsub": false


somePostgresqlServer: {
    user: 'postgres',
    password: '',
    database: 'database',
    dialect: 'postgres',
    options: {
        dialect: 'postgres',
        host   : 'localhost',
        port   : 5432,
        logging: true

Your model definition

// user.js
module.exports = {
  attributes: {
    name: {
      type: Sequelize.STRING,
      allowNull: false
    age: {
      type: Sequelize.INTEGER
  associations: function() {
    user.hasMany(image, {
      foreignKey: {
        name: 'owner',
        allowNull: false
  options: {
    tableName: 'user',
    classMethods: {},
    instanceMethods: {},
    hooks: {}

That's it.