So as in the Titel said, my Problem is that i cant use my self Signed Cert to sign the app via Visual Studio. I created 2 Certificates, one via MakeCert.exe and one in Powershell via SelfSignedCertificates as Described in here MSDocs(Example 7).
I than exported the SelfSignedCert to my Desktop Via Powershell: Export-PfxCertificate -Cert $certPath -FilePath C:\Users\*****\Desktop\****.pfx -Password $pw
But When I try to "Import" the Certificate in Visual Studio in Packages.appxmanifest in Packinging and then choose the Certificate I get this Error:
This also happens to the Certificate made with MakeCert. Both Are still Valid. Also the Link given didnt help me :/ I Know that i can create a Certificate in Visual Studio but i need A certificate that doesnt expire in 1 Year.
Also the Application will be a sideloaded one and therefore i cant use the Windows Store. I also tried to Create a Appx file with MakeApp.exe to sign it manually but Make App had some problems with my AppManifest.xml file.