I have a table like this :
|Num | Label
1|1 | a thing
2|2 | another thing
3|3 | something else
4|4 | whatever
I want to replace my values of my label column by something more generic for example the first two lines : label One, the two next ones label Two ...
|Num | Label
1|1 | label One
2|2 | label One
3|3 | label Two
4|4 | label Two
How can I do that using proc format
procedure ? I was wondering if I can use either the number of lines or another column like Num.
I need to do something like this :
proc format;
value label_f
low-2 = "label One"
3-high = "label Two"
But I want to specify the number of the line or the value of the Num column.
It sounds like you want to format NUM instead of LABEL.
Where you want the use the 'generic' representation defined by your format simply place a FORMAT statement in the Proc being used:
If you want both num and generic, you will need to add a new column to the data for use during processing. This can be done with a view:
If you want a the 'generic' representation of the NUM column to be used in by-processing as a grouping variable, you have several scenarios:
A direct backmap from label to num to generic is possible only if the label is known to be unique, or you know apriori the transformation backmap-num + num-map is unique.
Proc FORMAT also has a special value construct [format] that can be used to map different ranges of values according to different formatting rules. The other range can also map to a different format that itself has an other range that maps to yet another different format. The SAS format engine will log an error if you happen to define a recursive loop using this advanced kind of format mapping.
One of my favorite Dorfman words.
Format does not replace underlying values. Format is a map from the underlying data value to a rendered representation. The map can be 1:1, many:1. The MultiLabel Format (MLF) feature of the format system can even perform 1:many and many:many mappings in procedures many MLF enabled procedures (which is most of them)
To replace an underlying value with it's formatted version you need to use the PUT, PUTC or PUTN functions. The PUT functions always outputs a character value.
There is no guarantee a mapped value will mapped to the same value, it depends on the format.
INFORMATs are similar to FORMATs, however the target value depend on the in format type
Custom formats are created with Proc FORMAT. The construction of a format is specified by either the VALUE statement, or the CNTLIN= option. CNTLIN lets you create formats directly from data and avoids really large VALUE statements that are hand-entered or code-generated (via say macro)
Data-centric 'formatting' performs the mapping through a left-join. This is prevalent in SQL data bases. Left-joins in SAS can be done through SQL, DATA Step MERGE BY and FORMAT application. 1:1 left-joins can also be done via Hash object SET POINT=