How to use ParseLogin-UI on Android with Parse-1.13.0.jar

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It appears the ParseUI-Android project that is pulled from gradle isn't compatible with Parse-1.13.0. Specifically, the version pulled from gradle, the class doesn't work with custom ParseUser objects. This has since been fixed and the master branch has the correct code in it.

Here's what I've done to try to solve this:

  • Pulled the master branch
  • Executed the gradle assembleRelease task
  • Copied ParseUI-Login/build/intermediates/bundles/release/classes.jar into my Android libs directory
  • Renamed classes.jar to ParseUI-Login-0.0.1.jar
  • Added compile files('libs/ParseUI-Login-0.0.1.jar') to my build.gradle
  • Executed a gradle build
  • Fail

I obviously did something wrong, but I'm having a hard time trying to figure it out. Any thoughts or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


There are 1 answers

Robert Rowntree On BEST ANSWER

Not as far along migrating off parse to new ENV, so dont know if it will help. Below how i use ParseLogin-UI in projects ( i clone 1 subfolder of PLU to a project sub folder (ParseUI-Login) and just refer to it in build.gradle)

top level build.gradle...

> ext {
>     facebookSDK = ''
>     androidSupport = ''
>     bolts = 'com.parse.bolts:bolts-android:1.2.1'
>     parse = 'com.parse:parse-android:1.10.3'
>     parseFacebookUtils = 'com.parse:parsefacebookutils-v4-android:1.10.3@aar' } ....

  compile 'com.squareup.picasso:picasso:2.3.4'
    compile ''
    compile ''

    // rootProject.ext.* variables are defined in project gradle file, you can also use path here.
    compile rootProject.ext.facebookSDK
    compile project(':ParseUI-Login')
    compile rootProject.ext.androidSupport
    compile rootProject.ext.parse
    compile rootProject.ext.parseFacebookUtils