I am using useQuery hook in React native android application to fetch the data. When my app starts I get initial rows as a prop from the native side to React native. Then React native layer gets the next page by using the useQuery.
As of now, I am using fetchMore function to merge initial data along with new but the pooling interval is not updating the initial data.
const dataCall = useQuery(QUERY, {
variables: {
startDateTimestampUTC: StartDate.current,
endDateTimestampUTC: EndDate.current,
paginationCursor: initialData.cursor,
paginationSize: 12,
fetchPolicy: 'network-only',
pollInterval: 5 * 60 * 1000,
skip: initialData == null,
How can I use useQery with initial Data https://react-query.tanstack.com/docs/guides/initial-query-data along with pooling interval.