How to use images inside a select component in Ionic 2

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I am trying to put an image inside a Select component in Ionic 2 : I have put the image source files inside the www/img folder in my Ionic 2 project. However, using a simple img-tag does not display any image using this code:

    <ion-select [(ngModel)]="gaming">
      <ion-option value="nes">
        <img src="img/myImage.png">

Does anyone have any idea?


There are 4 answers

Ketan Yekale On BEST ANSWER

The ion-select component doesn't allow direct customization to itself and anything that you add to ion-select and ion-option which is not as per the ionic documentation, will be ignore in the generated output.

You cannot add class or style to the component.

One way to do this is to put the ion-select in a parent element like div or ion-row etc. with class and apply the CSS rules using .parentclass childElement selector.

To show the images in option check the function below:

    prepareImageSelector() {
    setTimeout(() => {
        let buttonElements = document.querySelectorAll('div.alert-radio-group button');
        if (!buttonElements.length) {
        } else {
            for (let index = 0; index < buttonElements.length; index++) {
                let buttonElement = buttonElements[index];
                let optionLabelElement = buttonElement.querySelector('.alert-radio-label');
                let image = optionLabelElement.innerHTML.trim();
                buttonElement.classList.add('imageselect', 'image_' + image);
                if (image == this.image) {
    }, 100);

I have implemented color and image selector using ion-select. Please refer

You can also check the answer at Ionic select input of colours

Paulius Nyoumi On

I achieved it like this.

<ion-select (click)="loadFlags()" formControlName="pays"  value="select-country">           
    <ion-select-option  value="select-country" >select your country </ion-select-option>
    <ion-select-option *ngFor="let country of countries" value="{{}}">{{}}</ion-select-option>

And this is my .ts file

loadFlags() {
     let radios=document.getElementsByClassName('alert-radio-label');
     for (let index = 1; index < radios.length; index++) {
        let element = radios[index];
        element.innerHTML=element.innerHTML.concat('<img class="country-image" 
       style="width: 30px;height:16px;" src="'+countries[index-1].flag+'" />');
  }, 1000);

Timeout is to let the system create alert componens. My Json is an array with elements like {name:"Cameroon",flag:""}

this is my result

Gavin L On

On your basis, I have worked out a more concise solution!

The method 'prepareImageSelector' is used as the Click event of the control。

Thank you!

   image: string = 'English';
   prepareImageSelector() {
    setTimeout(() => {
      let buttonElements = document.querySelectorAll('div.alert-radio-group button');
      if (!buttonElements.length) {
      } else {
        for (let index = 0; index < buttonElements.length; index++) {
          let buttonElement = buttonElements[index];
          let optionLabelElement = buttonElement.querySelector('.alert-radio-label');
          let image = optionLabelElement.innerHTML.trim();
          if (image == this.image) {
            optionLabelElement.innerHTML += '<img  src="assets/img/English.png" style="width:20px;height:20px;float:right;"/>';
    }, 100);

jaletechs On

There are already some great answers, and I honestly think Select with some images should have been part of the core Ionic library, but here we are.

I made the following adaptations for my answer:

  • Implemented with Ionic Vue (Ionic 6, so it's still an issue)
  • Flags for the countries are nested in a country JSON obtained from an API call.
  • Implemented for Action Sheet instead of Alert as the other answers
  • Flags appear on the left instead of the right

First, the HTML:

<IonSelect @click="loadFlags()" placeholder="Country" :interface-options="customAlertOptions" interface="action-sheet" cancelText="Cancel" style="width: 100%" v-model="selected_country">
  <template v-for="(country, index) in countries" :key="index">
    <div class="ion-text-center">
      <IonSelectOption :value="country.code">
        <IonLabel>{{ }}</IonLabel>

And then the Javascript:

loadFlags() {
  let that = this;
  setTimeout(function() {
    let radios = document.getElementsByClassName('action-sheet-button-inner');
    for (let i = 0; i < that.countries.length; i++) {
      let element = radios[i];
      element.innerHTML = `<div style="display: flex; position: relative; width: 100%"><img style="width: 40px;height:40px;" src="${that.countries[i].flag}"/>`
          + `<span style="font-size:16px; position: absolute; top:10px; left: 70px;">${element.innerHTML}</span></div>`
  }, 10)

Even though it's a little crude, the innerHTML in the loadFlags function, with some HTML and CSS, can be used to achieve almost anything.