Let's say someone wants to write a NuGet package that writes cookies in Blazor via JS interop.
IJSRuntime.InvokeAsync calls a method, and that method has to be defined someone -- outside of the scope of the DLL.
Is there a way to inject the required script function so that the library can invoke it without requiring awareness of the front-end?
I need to call something like this. Which isn't a function.
document.cookie = "cookiename=cookievalue; expires= Thu, 21 Aug 2014 20:00:00 UTC"
I looked at the implementation of Blazored LocalStorage, and localstorage is set and read using standard methods so that's a lot easier.
Well... there is "eval" function!
This works.
But then, have to be careful about escaping parameters.
It's not a very scalable strategy for complex libraries though. 3rd party libraries instead require you to add a reference to their .js file.