How to use if statement for a WebElement

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I'm testing a website of Stocks

I have a certain 'clock' in each stock's page that shows if the stock is currently open/closed for trading

closed : class="inlineblock redClockBigIcon middle  isOpenExchBig-1"

opened : class="inlineblock greenClockBigIcon middle  isOpenExchBig-1014"

The only attribute there is a 'class'. I want to use an 'if' statement so I could distinguished between them, I tried to run it on a 'closed' status (see the code below on 'Check', 12 lines from the bottom).

It throws an exception on the third time of the loop :

org.openqa.selenium.NoSuchElementException: no such element

Why? and please how can I fix it?

public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {
    System.setProperty("", "C:\\automation\\drivers\\chromedriver.exe"); 
    WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver(); 

    driver.findElement(By.cssSelector("[href = '/markets/']")).click();;

    // list |

    int size = 1;
    for (int i = 0 ; i < size ; ++i) {

        List <WebElement> list2 = driver.findElements(By.cssSelector("[nowrap='nowrap']>a"));

        //Enter the stock page
        size = list2.size();

         WebElement Status = null;

         if (Status == driver.findElement(By.cssSelector("[class='inlineblock redClockBigIcon middle  isOpenExchBig-1']")))

        // Print instrument name
        WebElement instrumentName = driver.findElement(By.cssSelector("[class='float_lang_base_1 relativeAttr']"));




There are 2 answers

Mahmud Riad On BEST ANSWER

Try using

     WebElement Status = null;

     if (Status == driver.findElement(By.className("redClockBigIcon")))
Marcel On

Your loop doesn't run 3 times, but that isn't the issue here.

You're using findElement which returns a WebElement or throws an error if the element is not found. If you're on a page and you don't know if the stock is open or not, you have two options:

  1. Catch any NoSuchElementExceptions. If this error gets thrown, the closed class is not found and therefor the page is open.
  2. Use findElements instead of findElement. This will return a list of elements and no exception is thrown if Selenium could not find any elements. After getting the list, just check the number of elements in the list.

Option 1:

boolean isClosed = false;

try {
    isClosed = driver.findElement(By.cssSelector("[class='redClockBigIcon']")).isDisplayed();
catch (NoSuchElementException) {
    isClosed = false;

Option 2:

List<WebElement> closedClockElements = driver.findElements(By.cssSelector("[class='redClockBigIcon']"));

if (closedClockElements.size() > 1) {
else {