How to use geometry-instancing in Bevy?

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I am rendering a point-cloud using Bevy, but currently spawning a icoshpere for each point, which gets quite slow with 775k points. What is the easiest way to use mesh instancing to reduce overhead?

This is the code for how I am doing it currently:

for point in &pointcloud_assets.get(& {
            mesh: sphere.clone(),
            material: material.clone(),
            transform: Transform::from_translation(*point / 10.),

I found this example: but it is called shader-instancing, and I am not sure if it is the same thing. It also seems quite complex, so I was wondering if there wasn't a simpler solution.


There are 1 answers

Squirrel On

If you don't need it to run on a browser and you're ok with cubes then (maybe this can do non-rectangles too?). It works for me and is pretty speedy.

The other option you could try is which is a suggestion as to how bevy could choose to support instancing. I can't comment yet on whether it works on the browser.

At the moment those seem the only 3 options unless you want to code up a 4th. Watch this space: