How to use "eventually" with "Specs2RouteTest"

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There are two specs here. First is not passing because eventually in check will not cause whole route rerun but this is the way I would prefer to follow. The second spec is the best solution I found (and prove that it is doable ;) ) but it contains some boilerplate like additional function which in real life will have to return rather tuple than single thing and it is inconsistent with spray-tests syntax design to test routs.

So question is: How to use eventually with spray-tests to be as close as possible to syntax from first spec.

import org.specs2.mutable.Specification
import spray.routing.Directives
import spray.http._
import MediaTypes._
import HttpCharsets._
import spray.testkit.Specs2RouteTest

class EventuallyAndRouts extends Specification with Directives with Specs2RouteTest {

    var i = 0
    def incAndGet = {
        i = i + 1
        println(s"This is i = $i")

    "The testing infrastructure should support an eventually matcher" >> {
        "but it is not working inside a check as I need :( (and this will fail)" in {
            i = 0
            Get() ~> complete(incAndGet) ~> check {
                body must eventually(7, 20 millis)(be_===(HttpEntity(ContentType(`text/plain`, `UTF-8`), "5")))
        "so I got workaround :/ (and this is passing)" in {
            i = 0
            def requestResult = Get() ~> complete(incAndGet) ~> check {
            requestResult must eventually(7, 20 millis)(be_===(HttpEntity(ContentType(`text/plain`, `UTF-8`), "5")))


There are 1 answers

Eric On

eventually is used to evaluate repeatedly a value that is changing. So it either has to be a var, a def or a byname parameter.

The best way around that is probably for you to implement a checkEventually(times, delay) method that will incorporate the eventually call. Something like that:

implicit class Checked(request: =>Request) {
  def checkEventually[R : AsResult](times: Int, delay: Duration, matcher: Matcher[RequestResult])(body: =>Unit)( = {
    val requestResult = result ~> check(body)
    requestResult must eventually(times, delay)(matcher)